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My Carbon Foot Print

April 16th, 2010 by Kim Nguyen

carbon foot print

   After calculating my carbon foot print and seeing my results, I am relieved to know that my current score is not that awful. My report praised me for already taking the necessary steps in working towards a low-carbon lifestyle, but there is always room for improvement.

carbon foot print chart

  The chart above categorizes where I emit the most carbon. I was surprised at how much carbon impact there was on food than the other sections. What does that say about my eating habits? I had selected light meat as my option, yet there are so many other ways to improve. My personal plan that the site issued me encouraged on shopping for food locally and eating organically.

It makes sense to be so concerned about minimizing the level of carbon in the air, but not everyone is aware of changing immediately. The future may look distant and…in the future, but again tomorrow is just a day away. Supporting sustainability and practicing the necessary steps indivually, no one will have to worry about drastic changes when the consequences are too near.

So as an individual commitment, I will continue what I am doing now along with the transition to better ways of buying and producing my food because, at the end of the day, sustainability only exists if I am able to live a healthy life  myself to be able to make global changes.

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