What You See is What You Get?

–understanding everyday marketing

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Text me a Promo

October 11th, 2010 by Kim Nguyen

This is my phone. I am really attached to it. I sometimes forget to put it away before bed and leave it on the pillow next to me. I’m sure a lot of people, even though they might be as in love with their phones as I am with mine, would say that they have an unexplained bond. They probably feel “naked” without the phone in their hands, or  feel a bit more socially awkward not having the device to play with when stuck in an uncomfortable situation.

Wouldn’t their unconditional bond with a device that can text, receive calls, and explore the internet be the perfect way to instant, effective marketing promotions?

I was buying shoes the other day when the sales associate informed me that if I texted 5 digits to a certain number that I would be able to receive 20% off my purchase for the rest of the month! How genius! Noposters, no hand outs or brochures. Just tell your customers to text and buy. I was sold and ended up buying 2 pairs of flats.

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I googled around and found out that there are companies that facilitate this type of marketing. One particular is Club Texting www.clubtexting.com It’s like emailing, but instead people receive it through text. The above video demonstrates how one would go about setting up the texting feature. It outlines examples such as a restaurant scheduling special texts to valued customers with a promo code of some sort that only they would have access to while a general crowd would get a different message.  These texts can be customized down to personalizing each person’s name.

It’s quite neat and thoughtful and might just be the catalyst in someone’s decision on where to shop or eat for that day.

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  • 1 Natasha Oct 15, 2010 at 9:56 am

    There are also local Vancouver companies who do similar things, such as http://www.mobiry.com – these guys are specifically focused on mobile promotions and have a nice system.