Blackberry and Iphone competition is pretty interesting
The concept of smartphone was introduced just when I started highschool. The years that teenagers keep bragging about their phones and always buy the newest versions. I was never that kind of a person, but I used both a blackberry and an Iphone. (I only had one of each though but still..) I remember when people went crazy about Iphone 3. Although I personally didn’t know about Blackberry that time, the chart above shows that Blackberry had a bigger demand than Iphone until 2008, the year Iphone 3G was introduced.
After that, for a short period, everybody around me had an Iphone. They started calling their phones Iphones instead of phone or cellphones. (For example when they took a picture they were saying “I took this through my iphone”) Although Iphone was a much qualified phone in my opinion, for most of the teenagers, free and unlimited texting was more important and this desired was satisfied by “BBM” the Blackberry Messenger.
A Blackberry Mania started at the end of 2009, and all of my friends switched to Blackberries. We were able to text freely all the time and it was like a heaven for all teenagers, including me.
In 2008, when I went out with my friends, I noticed that the tables were full of Iphone’s. In the year 2010, the tables were more welcoming to blackberries, and the people with Iphone’s were being made fun of.
This shows that RIM noticed the needs of teenagers and produced exactly what they wanted, but the years later brought whinings and complaints about blackberries. They kept freezing for no reason and the introduction of new apple product iphone 4G and then 4S, put Aplle in the leading position again.
Now it is really hard to see people buying blackberries, especially after the Iphone 5. I’ve been hearing that 5 was a dissapointment, so maybe Blackbery can again make a move and take the bigger pie out of the cake. But ops! What about Samsung(!)
I think we migh have a new winner soon…
Images taken from: