Envirofit expands access to clean cooking technology in Kenya and joins the Business Call to Action

Envirofit, a social enterprise company based in the United States has partnered with Business Call to Action (BCTA) to supply cook stoves in Kenya, in an attempt to reduce green house gases. BCTA is an organization which aims at developing business models that have development impacts alongside commercial purposes. Through this move, Envirofit hopes to reduce the pollution levels through the sale of about 150000 cook stoves.
Clearly this move will contribute to a better environment through reduced pollution levels. Moreover, the locals are likely to benefit through the creation of jobs. However, the impact may be short-lived since the project is expected to last for only two years. Furthermore, with a Kenyan population of over 40 million, 150 000 cook stoves will not be sufficient to have a reasonably large impact. If the aim is to minimize the green house gases to a high degree, the two partners need to increase the supply of cook stoves and perhaps lower the cost so that more people can afford them.

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