This is in response to Bailey Becker’s post on BBM expansion
The Black Berry Messenger is an application used for texting and sending of images across phones. With its recent release to android and Iphone smart phones, the application has attracted quite a large attention from the large and growing market for smart phones. Moreover, this enables black berry to penetrate to through its competitors and still make some profits. However, considering the wide variety of applications already in the market, like whatsApp, face book messenger among others, the competition is indeed tough. More interestingly, the release of the application to phones from competing brands makes Black Berry lose its point of difference. Potential customers may therefore not see the point of buying black berry phones if the same application can be accessed in other phones. Although this may be viewed as an insignificant decision, the repercussions may be disastrous to the already struggling black berry brand. I agree with Bailey that this will indeed be harmful for Black Berry.

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