Shoot me a coffee. Actually Don’t – Not in Starbucks

Video:Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Talks With Neil Cavuto About Controversial Gun Banning Announcement
This is response to AvijitSingh’sblog post, CEO for Starbucks, Mr. Schultz has decided to take a difficult but definitive action in publicly stating the company’s stand for the general public. In a diverse society where people have different cultural backgrounds, values and attitudes; quite often some groups feel threatened or insecure ad thus justify the need to carry firearms in all places they go to. On the other hand, some people may carry guns for vicious purposes, intentionally targeting to attack others. Some people like the police and security agents have to carry guns since they may be called to duty any time. This depicts the complexity of the issue.
However, every organization has to have its own culture and values. These determine how the organization is perceived by the public and affects the customer relations. By banning the possession of guns in all the star bucks’ stores, Mr. Schultz has demonstrated great leadership that need to be embraced by other managers. I therefore agree that this is a definitive move for the CEO but more importantly for the company’s public image

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