Word of Mouth: Twitter Edition


Companies have forever acknowledged the massive influence customers have over the success of failure of a product. This is largely accredited to the power of word of mouth. Heightened by the popularity of social media, this is now, more than ever, a reality.  However, this also means that companies can now track the opinions, responses, and magnitude in which customers are talking about their products. This desire on behalf of companies is evidently occurring in the television industry, and as the article suggests, is being tended to by Twitter. The social media site, in conjunction with Nielsen (the information and measurement company), have released Nielson Twitter TV Ratings, a product that analyses both the content of tweets regarding various shows and the number of tweets posted and furthermore viewed by Twitter users. This program is an incredible tool for producers to have at their disposal, and will shape the future of the TV industry. It is one of the first products that allows companies to monitor the word of mouth process, and in turn will aid them in adapting their business to satisfy the instant requests of it’s customers.


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