Behind the Wall

10 Wal-Mart factories in Bangladesh have recently failed safety inspections due to their subpar working conditions. As such, new life can be brought to the ethics scandals surrounding the worldwide department store. In this case, the center of the debate can be focused around the fact that while Wal-Mart ensures that safety standards are met in the public eye at their retail locations, behind the scenes the company is cutting costs to the point where they are endangering workers. Needless to say, Wal-Mart lacks the corporate social responsibility to treat all their employees adequately. Once more, it is an example of Wal-Mart’s ethical insensitivities. These events show the company’s efforts to appear harmlessly in the eyes of their customers while in the background their other employees are being put in danger due the their corporate neglect. However, the question arises; when does the ethical issue get passed to the customers? Now that Wal-Mart’s practices have been exposed, it is up to the customer to boycott the brand otherwise accepting the reality of what’s at stake.


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