Can Greed Still Be Good?

Bill Gates is the epitome of a successful entrepreneur. By scratching his own itch for technology, the Microsoft founder made billions and is now devoting his time to giving back. While most of Gates’ time is spent on charity work, he is also an advocate for social enterprise. Recently, Gates was in Norway lobbying the Norwegian government to invest in Africa’s oil fund. Investments such as these help accelerate growth in developing countries while the projected earnings for the Norwegians are in the billions. Endeavors such as these are merely massive scale embodiments of the mutually beneficial ventures social entrepreneurs take on daily. Personally, I believe this business to be the movement of the future. As markets are becoming ever increasingly competitive in develop countries, and activists such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet preach to the business elite about the appeal of charity, the concept of social enterprise stands out as a natural match. Whether its on behalf of an established company or businessman like Bill Gates, or a local start up, it appears as though social enterprise is a lucrative and mutually rewarding proposition, one that is hopefully here to stay.


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