What You See Is What You Get

In two days, rapper Jay-Z will launch “Gold”, his new high-end fragrance, at Barney’s New York. This will signify a virtually complete turnaround in the positioning of Jay-Z’s brand: himself. When gaining notoriety in the rap world, Jay established himself as a once drug dealing teenager who grew up in a rundown neighborhood. While in the rap world this is relatively common, what is virtually unparalleled is what proceeded. After gaining fame and fortune, Jay-Z progressively positioned himself more conservatively and began endorsing various products. This launch of a high-end fragrance to be sold exclusively at a high-end department store marks the completion of this brand transformation on behalf of Jay-Z. This instance shows the power and influence that brand position has over the perception and evidently the reality of what a brand is. It proves that what a brand decides to associate with or sell, in the case of Jay endorse, has a major impact on how customer’s view that particular brand. Furthermore it exemplifies how, if executed correctly a brand or company has the ability to represent whatever image or association it so choses.


Article Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/01/jay-z-gold-fragrance-black-friday_n_4192642.html

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