Cross-industries competition

Google has just released a new accessory, google glass for $1,500 dollars. This piece of equipment allows you to take hands-free photos and videos by just simply says “take a picture/video”. It also allows you to listen to music, share what you see, speak to send a message, translate your voice, ask whatever’s on your mind just like searching on google etc, which acts like a smart phone in a more fashion and easy way.

Google Inc. is an American corporation specializing in internet-related services and products. Most of the times we use it, is google engine, and google apps in recent years. The google glass is the first product that google Inc. release in this industry area and it could really become a another competitor to Microsoft, Apples etc, those software, smartphone, and even glasses companies.

Cross-industries competition has now become the most intense competition of all. The competitor of mobiles company like Fido, Rogers are not only each other, their biggest competitors are actually those free internet apps like WhatsApp, Line, Wechat. The emerge of wechat drop the profit of instant messages service of China Unicom and China mobile by more than 50 percent. Moreover, as mentioned in the previous blog, are banks still able to stand, banks are facing huge threats as alipay emerged. Traditional printing media is facing crisis as those digital media, electronic devices release.

Innovators are attacking from one field to another at an unprecedented speed. The world began to divide and combine. What being divide is the possessions of millionaires and what combines is the new business model. In future’s society, a coffee company may not just appears to be a coffee company, a aircraft cabin might also become a social platform. Who knows?  To be competitive, break through the limitations of thinking and create endless possibilities.



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