About Me


Cafe in Piazza Navona

A Bachelor of Arts student in Classical Studies and Art History at the University of British Columbia,  my love for the classics began by early travels to Italy and other parts of Europe. There, I developed an interest in the Classical and Medieval world, particularly Opera,  Art, and Architecture.  As I got older my fascination of Europe grew, inspiring my current studies.

At UBC I work for the Aquatic Centre in three capacities:  Lifeguard, Supervisor, and Daycamp Supervisor. Working at this job for the past five years has taught me not only the importance of being organized while still able to adapt to the unexpected, but also the ability to separate professional and personal relationships

I am a active member of Kappa Alpha Theta at UBC.  Through this organization I help to coordinate philanthropy events including KATwalk for Canucks Place Children’s Hospice, and Quiz for CASA for Court Appointed Special Advocates. Furthermore, I volunteer with my sorority at events such as “Light the Night” in Stanly Park, supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Cultivated over nearly two decades of travel and cultural immersion, I have a love for artistic beauty, European fashion, and fine dining.  Ultimately my philosophy in life is best stated by Oscar Wilde, “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”