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Bob Willard of the sustainable advantage claims there is a business case for sustainability. Willard states that there are five stages of a sustainable journey for businesses. These journeys begin with an unsustainable business model in the first three stages and moves to a sustainable business framework in the last two stages. The stages are as follows:

  1. Pre-compliance – These companies are cutting corners and are not engaged in any means of sustainability.
  1. Compliance – These companies are mandated by regulation but their actions are still unsustainable.
  1. Beyond compliance – companies realize that they can save money by being proactive and operationally eco-efficient.
  1. Integrated strategy – The company rebrands itself as a sustainable company and embeds these sustainability principles into its values.
  1. Purpose/passion – Driven by a passion and commitment to improve the well-being of the company, society and environment.

Willard speaks about the difference between stage 4 and 5 companies is this purpose, similar to Liz Tinlin’s In pursuit of brand purpose. These companies are truly sustainable. It is their mission to be sustainable and these companies were created for the purpose of being better to the environment. These companies haven’t adjusted to brand preferences of being environmentally friendly. They started that trend. Stage five companies don’t have to worry about greenwashing and they monitor their impact on the environment because it is in the nature of the company to do so.

This idea of purpose brings the ideas of sustainability marketing all together. All of the concepts we have learned about relate back to the purpose of being a sustainable company. I decided to go into sustainability because my purpose was to make a positive difference. Everything that we do leads back to purpose and it all starts with a purpose. What is yours?