Monthly Archives: November 2013
10 Reasons Why it’s a Great Time to be in Education
I couldn’t agree more with this. Posted by Justin Tarte who is Director of Curriculum & Support Services in Missouri. Although a few months old, I thought it was appropriate.
Alberta Learning and Technology Policy Framework
I have a feeling BC Ed Plan is headed in a similar direction. Will the push for students to use on line learning along with a ‘student learning’ approach result in less teachers needed in the classroom?
Interesting article on BCeSIS. I have yet to delve much into it, have just heard from a variety of teachers that it does not work to the level that it was supposed to. Now it is being phased out. … Continue reading
Field Experience Observation Journal
Observation Journal The 2 week practicum was a very rewarding experience. I was unsure how I was going to do not having been in a classroom before. I found that I fit in very well with my colleagues at … Continue reading
Students Want Practicality
I couldn’t agree more!! Students want practical teaching. What better way to be practical than in teaching Business Education
Thank you Fraser Heights!!
Thanks to all of the staff and admin at Fraser Heights for welcoming me and making my two week practicum a positive, rewarding experience. Special thanks to Mr. Druce, Mr. Newton, and Mr. Pahal. See you next week.
Mandatory Work Experience at Fraser Heights
I met with staff of the Career Centre at Fraser Heights. I was surprised, yet excited to learn that all grade 11 students go out on work placements. That is great! Kids need to get practical experience.