Programming Tips: Five Tools to Professional Coding

When shifting from coding as a hobby to full-fledged professional developing, here’s a set of tools one comes to appreciate.

Discipline: Focusing on the task at hand and delivering it in a timely fashion and at an optimal state, becomes a major advantage one seeks in a professional coder, as opposed to a hobbyist who may write ingenious code but in an unreliable fashion.

Priorities: Picking up one task, translates into dropping another. That should be obvious, but one’s modern-day multitasking mentality, tends to get in the way of it. However, rationalizing your timeframe means that when you’re working on one thing, you need to focus on it and not fragmentize your concentration on multiple goals.

Head-on: When starting to deal with a new project, it’s always better to tackle its challenges head-on. Don’t shy away from the big issues, deal with them first, in order pen-out your workflow in the most detailed manner possible. This will help you plan out your approach, as well as acquire a sense of the time you’ll need to come up with a finished product.

Less is more: A leaner solution will always have advantages over richer, but heavier swabs of code, not only because the latter is more susceptible to bugs and errors, but because its complications are certain to bloat you delivery times as well. In a deadline-driven profession, it’s vital to be able to separate between the necessary and the redundant. The border between the two is where you’ll find the best of coders cruising, but it’s a fine line to navigate, so better keep yourself on the right side of it on your first forays out in the wild.

Goodbyes: Once a product is on the shelf, its shelf-time countdown begins. It’s important not to emotionalize with your work and get stuck on it with ad infinitum efforts to support and enhance it. Being prepared to let it go in due time is essential to moving forward in a technology driven word. Being pro-active about it is an extra plus.

Ethan Duggan: 12-Year-Old Self-Taught Coder to Speak in SXSW Vegas

A 12-year-old Ethan Duggan made a name for himself after his successful achievement as a programmer at an early age of 11-years-old even without the formal study on programming. He was named as one of the speaker in SXSW Vegas together with his father Rick Duggan.

According to an article from VentureBeat, Ethan learned to code at an early age of 11 through online training at Ethan learned to code “in about two to three months” during his summer vacation between fifth and sixth grade.

He got schooled in HTML, CSS, Javascript and many more. He put up his skills to use with PhoneGap, a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone with web technologies.

Ethan Duggan made his first application when he was just 11 years old, his first app is the Lazy Husband which according to the kid, he will make a follow up with Lazy Wife and Lazy Kid.

Aside from his successful project, Ethan is also planning to release his latest app, Bargument, a cool app that will help you win any argument in a bar, even if you’re too young to get through. To win a “bargument,” all you have to do is open the app, type the “fact” that you want to prove, and then show your friends the “proff” in a fake, but very authentic-looking-Wikipedia article.

The 12-year-old self-taught programmer admitted that his new project the Bargument app is a little more sophisticated than the Lazy trio, it was built on different framework, AppGyver. Ethan Duggan also thanked his father who is full support with his endeavor. Ethan’s father, Rick Duggan is a former developer who now leads the web development team at Vegas-based Zappos.

Ethan and his father Rick Duggan spoke at SXSW Vegas, in a presentation titled “Never too young to build a startup with your kids.” The father and son tandem is looking forward to a bright future in programming.

Top 10 Programming Quotes of All Time

According to Wikipedia’s description of Computer programming (often shortened to programming) “is the comprehensive process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable programs.” Programming involves activities such as analysis, understanding, solving problems, testing, debugging and maintaining the source codes.

Various programmers have also their own inspirations and some of them were quotes from the famous industry leaders who had, in one way or another, contributed in the development of the software industry today. We have collected some of the world’s famous quotes from legendary visionaries who will served as inspirations for programmers.

Some of the thoughts below came from famous in the industry, while others came from not-so-famous people, but nevertheless, they are all witty and we hope that you will find them fascinating and englightening.

Here’s are our Top 10 Famous Programming Quotes of All Time:

1. “There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.”
– C.A.R. Hoare

2. “Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.”
– Linus Torvalds

3. “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
– Martin Golding

4. “The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it’s too late.”
– Seymour Cray

5. “First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack.”
– George Carrette

6. “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”
– Brian W. Kernighan.

7. “Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.”
– Bill Gates

8. “The best programmers are not marginally better than merely good ones. They are an order-of-magnitude better, measured by whatever standard: conceptual creativity, speed, ingenuity of design, or problem-solving ability.”
– Randall E. Stross

9. “For a long time it puzzled me how something so expensive, so leading edge, could be so useless. And then it occurred to me that a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are, in short, a perfect match.”
– Bill Bryson

10. “You can’t have great software without a great team, and most software teams behave like dysfunctional families.”

اصطلاح شناسی بازاریابی

در دانشگاه استنفورد، استاد در حال شرح دادن مفهوم بازاریابی به دانشجویان خود بود

1- شما در یک مهمانی، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد، بلافاصله میرین پیشش و می گین: “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم، با من ازدواج کن” ، به این میگن بازاریابی مستقیم

2- شما در یک مهمانی به همراه دوستانتون، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، بلافاصله یکی از دوستاتون میره پیش دختره، به شما اشاره می کنه و می گه : ” اون پسر ثروتمندیه، باهاش ازدواج کن” ، به این می گن تبلیغات

3- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، بلافاصله میرین پیشش و شماره تلفنش رو می گیرین ، فردا باهاش تماس می گیرین و می گین : “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن” ، به این میگن بازاریابی تلفنی

4- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، بلافاصله کراواتتون رو مرتب می کنین و میرین پیشش ، اون رو به یک نوشیدنی دعوت می کنیین ، وقتی کیفش  می افته براش از روی زمین بلند می کنین ، در آخر هم براش درب ماشین رو باز می کنین و اون رو به یک سواری کوتاه دعوت می کنین و میگین : ” در هر حال ،من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج می کنی؟” ، به این میگن روابط عمومی

5- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین که داره به سمت شما میاد و میگه : “شما پسر ثروتمندی هستی ، با من ازدواج می کنی؟” ، به این می گن شناسایی علامت تجاری شما توسط مشتری

6- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، بلافاصله میرین پیشش و می گین : “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن” ، بلافاصله اون هم یک سیلی جانانه نثار شما می کنه ، به این میگن پس زدگی توسط مشتری

7- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، بلافاصله میرین پیشش و می گین : “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن” و اون بلافاصله شما رو به همسرش معرفی می کنه ، به این می گن شکاف بین عرضه و تقاضا

8- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، ولی قبل از این که حرفی بزنین ، شخص دیگه ای پیدا می شه و به دختره میگه : “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن” به این میگن از بین رفتن سهم توسط رقبا

9- شما در یک مهمانی ، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد ، ولی قبل از این که بگین : “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن” ، همسرتون پیداش میشه ، به این میگن منع ورود به بازار

13- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. سعي مي کنيد به ش کم محلي کنيد تا از شما خوش اش بياد، اون هم فمينيست از آب در مي آد و برايِ در اومدنِ چشِ شما دستِ دوست تون رو مي گيره و با هم مي رن سان فرانسيسکو. به اين مي گن اشتباهِ استراتژيک در بازاريابي.

14- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و مؤدبانه يه يه شاخه گلِ سرخ به ش مي ديد و مي گيد: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»، اما اون گل رو توي سرتون مي زنه، چون شديداً استقلاليه. به اين مي گن اشتباهِ تاکتيکي در بازاريابي.

15- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و مي گيد: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»؛ امّا اون پيشنهادِ شما رو قبول نمي کنه، چون که زندگيِ خوبي در کنارِ دوستِ دخترِ عزيزش داره! به اين مي گن حق هميشه با مشتري است.

16- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و مي گيد: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»؛ در همین لحظه ناگهان موبایلتون زنگ می زنه و شما تهدید به مرگ می شید شما هم دمتون رو میذارید روی کولتون و میرید. به این میگن ناتوانی در ورود به بازار

17- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و مي گيد: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»؛ همون لحظه یه دختر دیگه که قبلا با همین کلمات گولش زده بودید سروکلش پیدا می شه و رسواتون میکنه. به این میگن تاثیرسوء سابقه در بازار.

18- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و مي گيد: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»؛ همون لحظه پاتون میره روی پوست موز و جلوی طرف ولو می شید
به این میگن ضایع شدگی مفرط یا فقدان ثبات در بازار.

19- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و می خواهید بگید: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»؛ که یک هو یک دختر زیباتر از اون رو پشت سرش می بینید فورا مسیر رو عوض می کنید و به سمت دختر جدید می رید. به این میگن چشمچرانی، نه ببخشید تحلیل لحظه به لحظه بازار.

20- شما در يک مهماني ، يک دخترِ بسيار زيبا رو می بينيد و ازش خوش تون مي آد. جلو مي ريد و مي گيد: «من پسر ثروتمندی هستم ، با من ازدواج کن»؛ اونهم با شعف خاصی برمی گرده و لبخند می زنه ، شما که بادیدن چهره 60 ساله اون به اشتباه خودتون پی بردید سرخ و سفید شده و مجبورید برای رهایی آسمون ریسمون ببافید. به این میگن بدبیاری یا خطای بازار

How Programmers Spend their Time Survey Results

A recent survey conducted in March by a company named Electric Cloud released their findings on how software engineers, programmers and developers spend most of their time.

The company surveyed around 443 software developers and they found out that programmers spend majority of their time not writing code. On general average, programmers just spend under half the hours in their week on “design and coding.” Most of the time spent by programmers was on a combination of non-programming tasks, such as brainstorming, administrative tasks, environment management and testing.

Based upon the results the of their survey, design and coding take up more hours than any other single process in software development project but those side tasks when added together will take up more time in the entire process.

Here’s the wrap up of the survey results:

***Design and Coding = 19.1 hours per week
***Brainstorming & Collaboration = 6.7 hours
***Administrative tasks = 5.8 hours
***Waiting for Test to Complete = 3.7 hours
***Waiting for Builds to Complete = 3.7 hours
***Environment Management = 2.7 hours

All of the non-design and non-coding tasks take up 22.4 hours per week out of 41.5 hours worked in total.

The survey results concluded that the most of the time spent by most programmers were not on the coding and design aspects. Although there are days where programmers spend more time on coding but as human as they were they also needed some time to enjoy themselves in different task other than coding and designing.

The one sure thing about being a developer was that our day-to-day activities could vary greatly. Generally, the time we spent doing depended on where we were in the development cycle of whatever it is we were building.

Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 Released

The world’s leading software company, Microsoft, has released the second update in one of their most popular product, the Visual Studio 2012.

After just four months since the release of the previous update, the company release it’s Visual Studio Update 2, as part of the their pledge to ship updates for Visual Studio in “a regular cadence.”

The VS Update 2 is mainly for bug fixes and performance improvements, though there are some features included this time. The company is currently having a regular update cycle. The last update for Visual Studio 2012 was released on November 2012, known as Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (VS2012.1).

According to Soma Somasegar, the corporate vice president of the Developer Division at Microsoft, the main features of the Visual Studio 2 Updates were the following Five Areas of Investment:

*** Agile Planning: Refers to improvements in Team Foundation Server (TFS) which has been augmented with an additional variety of features to help make it even easier for agile teams to do their planning, particularly on adapting to a team’s preferences and styles.

*** Quality Enablement: Enabling quality to be maintained and improved throughout the entire development cycles.

*** Windows Store development: VS2012.2 includes additional new features for Windows Store development.

*** Line-of-business development: Beyond improved support for building Windows Store apps, the updates also brings with it a wealth of new and improved capabilities for developing and modernizing line-of-business (LOB) apps.

*** Development experience: The VS2012.2 provide developers a streamlined experience when using the IDE.

The Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 also adds more tools for software testing so you can now carry out manual ASP.NET testing and cross-browser testing. You can also profile unit tests and see the results across both the unit tests and the code under test in a single report. Unit testing support for Windows Phone 8 apps has also been added.

Other improvements in the update, which can be dowloaded for free, include a new profiling tool for JavaScript apps that you can use to work out why your UI is unresponsive; and the inclusion of the latest version of the Windows App Certification Kit.

For more information regarding the Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 just visit the official Somesagar’s Blog at MSDN.

You can also download the VS2012.2 Updates here.