Top 10 Programming Quotes of All Time

According to Wikipedia’s description of Computer programming (often shortened to programming) “is the comprehensive process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable programs.” Programming involves activities such as analysis, understanding, solving problems, testing, debugging and maintaining the source codes. Various programmers have also their own inspirations and some of them were quotes … Continue reading

اصطلاح شناسی بازاریابی

در دانشگاه استنفورد، استاد در حال شرح دادن مفهوم بازاریابی به دانشجویان خود بود 1- شما در یک مهمانی، یک دختر بسیار زیبا رو می بینین و ازش خوشتون میاد، بلافاصله میرین پیشش و می گین: “من پسر ثروتمندی هستم، با من ازدواج کن” ، به این میگن بازاریابی مستقیم 2- شما در یک مهمانی به … Continue reading

How Programmers Spend their Time Survey Results

A recent survey conducted in March by a company named Electric Cloud released their findings on how software engineers, programmers and developers spend most of their time. The company surveyed around 443 software developers and they found out that programmers spend majority of their time not writing code. On general average, programmers just spend under … Continue reading

Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 Released

The world’s leading software company, Microsoft, has released the second update in one of their most popular product, the Visual Studio 2012. After just four months since the release of the previous update, the company release it’s Visual Studio Update 2, as part of the their pledge to ship updates for Visual Studio in “a … Continue reading