Monthly Archives: October 2012

Coursera: another example of social entrepreneurship

The website Coursera, which my readers have probably heard about, is a great example of modern social entrepreneurship. It’s not about micro-finance, it’s not about helping the poor nor is it about supporting African agriculture. It deals with providing top-quality … Continue reading

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Defining social entrepreneurship

Our lecture on social entrepeneurship as well as the readings we were given prior to class got me thinking about the best way to define social entrepreneurship. As the class went on, it seemed like what I had been reading … Continue reading

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The deception of trickle-down economics

In an article written for Business Week, Josh Tyrangiel tries to defend income inequality in the United States by bringing up the concept of “opportunity”. This article, titled The Inequality Incentive claims that inequality can be beneficial because it incentivizes people … Continue reading

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WhatsApp claims to replace texting on smartphones

An article published by the student association I’m a part of, Inside Electronic Pipo, inspires this blog post. It’s a short article about WhatsApp, an iPhone and Android application that allows people to send messages to other users of the … Continue reading

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