Monthly Archives: November 2012

Marketing and Gender

I found Pili Vega’s blog post on gender market segmentation very interesting. Her article describes a new chocolate bar product, specifically made for women, and intended to deal with women’s higher « health consciousness. » She is not certain about this … Continue reading

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The success of gamification as a business practice

You have probably browsed websites such as Samsung Nation or Yahoo! Answers that had point systems, badges to earn and leaderboards to compare yourself with others. Or perhaps you tried out the FourSquare app for iPhone and earned achievements for logging … Continue reading

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Business Ethics and fiscal optimisation

Today, friends from my French university showed me a fairly shocking article from BFMTV, an important news source in France. This article, amongst others in French media, explains that Starbucks has not paid any taxes on profit in France since its … Continue reading

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Understanding present value

I was reading other people’s blog posts today and stumbled upon this article by Fred Ho, Would you choose $1000 today or $1013 in a year? In his article, Fred explains he preferred to have $1200 in a year rather than $1000 … Continue reading

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