Application letter

123 123rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V1A 2B30

May 30, 2022

The 301 Technical Writing class,
The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Dear English 301 students:

Please consider my application for a professional writing team member position in your class, as advertised on English 301 Technical Writing course blog. Originally trained in biochemistry, I am currently pursuing my second degree in computer science. I believe that my diverse experience and skills in written collaboration would make me a valuable member of your team.

My work experience includes positions in both academia and industry, all of which exposed me to various settings for technical communication. I have worked a total for three years in biochemistry labs, where I wrote numerous protocols, communicated with scientists, and kept clear and complete notebooks of all my everyday work. Later, as a software developer Co-op student working from home, I developed the relevant skills of professional communication in settings where personal meetings are not possible. During that time, I was able keep the team informed about my progress and provide useful feedback to company operations in a professional manner.

As a writer and a team member, I have proven to be effective in organizing collaborative writing sessions when classes were online due to the pandemic. For every group project in my current degree, I was the team member who gathered disparate ideas and written sections into a single coherent whole for project reports. Furthermore, my other strength in writing is in my habit to see writing as a process embedded in learning. This manifests itself through an iterative attitude to writing, where I would perform planning, rewrites, and further rewrites. However, at times, my writing can be wordy and awkward, which I am currently working on by means of practice and self-reflection.

I see learning as a lifestyle, which revolves around four basic principles. Learning for me is effortful, incremental, self-driven, and social. This means that one must accept that learning will be difficult and require effort, which will only result in gradual progress. However, through persistence, a good work ethic and collaboration, one is guaranteed to achieve any heights.

Overall, as a motivated learner and team member, I believe I can succeed at being a part of your writing team. If my experience and skills meet your needs, please feel free to email me at


Konstantin Mestnikov

301 Konstantin Mestnikov Application Letter

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