Email messages to perspective writing team partners

Subject: Invitation to join an ENGL301 writing team

Email 1

Dear Jessica,

After reviewing your application, I would like to invite you to form an ENGL301 writing team.

Your experience in social service field and exposure to counselling psychology can be invaluable in understanding the audience and building effective communication within the team. Furthermore, our common experience of switching our previous degrees towards the BCS program can provide us a common ground for collaboration. At the same time, it can also add unique perspectives, since both us have different backgrounds (psychology and biochemistry).

Please, let me know if you are interested and see attached my application. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Konstantin Mestnikov

301 Konstantin Mestnikov Application Letter

Email 2

Dear Anushka,

Your application impressed me, and I would like to invite you to form an ENGL301 writing team together.

I believe that in writing, as in any creative endeavour, combining diverse perspectives can yield a productive synergy. Your background in marketing and sociology in this way complements mine in computer science and biochemistry. Furthermore, our skills in writing also supplement each other. Your skills in understanding the audience and writing clearly can aid at times when my writing is wordy and awkward. Likewise, my ability to organize thoughts can overcome your difficulties in combining writing into a coherent whole.

Let me know if you are interested in forming a team. Please, see attached my application and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Konstantin Mestnikov

301 Konstantin Mestnikov Application Letter

Email 3

Dear Leaf,

Thank you for your invitation and for sending your application to me. I would be interested in working with you in a team for ENGL301 course.

I believe that your experience in academic and creative writing, as well as strong academic record can bring valuable skills to the team. I also value the fact that you enjoy a structured team work with project timelines and roles, as this may prove crucial in completing assignments in such an intensive course as this one.

Please let me know if your team has any other members, as well the your preferred means of communication.

Konstantin Mestnikov

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