Bruce Wayne: Superhero or Social Entrepreneur?

In Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, Christian Bale plays the role of Bruce Wayne, multi-millionare playboy and Batman, hero of Gotham City. But is that all he is? After learning what social enterprises were, I was curious to see if Wayne Enterprises was worthy enough to be called one.

The Wayne family’s wealth comes from serving the public good. Thomas Wayne, Bruce’s father, was a doctor who built power plants and hospitals with his affluence. In addition, he built a cheap mode of public transport for those who are economically challenged. After his parents’ death, Bruce Wayne took over the company. Even after the tragic incident, Bruce continues to venture for social change by funding boy’s homes with the profit made from his company.

Social entrepreneurs are defined as “someone who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change.” Perhaps Bruce Wayne does not represent a social entrepreneur as strongly as Nathaniel Dunigan does, but I still believe that Wayne Enterprises can be categorized as a social enterprise.

Our world currently faces many problems and yet, many of us remain ignorant of others’ needs. Batman isn’t here to help us; the responsibility lies with us.


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