Enbridge looking to extend oil pipeline into British Columbia

Enbridge is planning to build what will be called the Northgate Pipeline. This oil pipeline will run from Alberta to Kitimat in BC, passing through vast expanse of nature.

There is a risk of the line rupturing and causing a natural disaster, ruining the natural environment of BC. Numerous organizations as well as residents of BC have been protesting against this new pipeline installment. These people believe that it is ethically wrong to put nature in subject to a potential disaster. However, the opposition argues that although the pipeline will be in BC, the oil inside it actually belongs to Alberta, and therefore, they hold the authority to build it. Meanwhile, the governments of the two states are currently having a dispute over the percentage of tax that will go to BC. Currently, BC is only expecting to receive 8.2% of the tax revenue.

Although many would argue against the establishment of the pipeline, I do not believe that this is ethically wrong. The new oil would create new jobs, contributing to the development of the economy in BC. Enbridge announced that they would be investing another $500 million in safety improvements, which should show that the company understands the implications that an oil spill might cause, and are taking measure to prevent it.

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