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Nov 21 / koukimurata

The Opposite of a Smart Phone is Not a “Dumb” Phone

To readers reading this article. Please take a glance at your cell phone now. Does it play music? Does it have a camera? Access to popular social networks and web browsing perhaps? Many of these new phones, commonly referred to as smart phones are surely to be the next generation of our boring phones from the past. Communication and entertainment have never been so flawless. Well maybe just for the tech-savy or young age group looking for more and more features. On the opposite side, there are a lot of consumers who feel there is too much on the new devices which make them confusing to use as simply a communication device. Is it possible that the extremely quick development in technology is creating a niche demand for simple cellular devices that provide the bare minimum?

John’s Phone seems to be doing just this. John’s Phone is a simple cellphone with only basic phone features. It doesn’t even have a proper address book! Simply a notepad in the back to write down numbers. Although this maybe a slightly example, there is definitely a demand for non-smart phones for users looking for a simple phone.

At this point and time there is no dominant leader in the non-smart or simple phone market. Could a simple phone be the next best way to make smart profit?

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