Hello, I’m a P.C.
I’m sure most of you are familiar with the Apple commercial that starts with the phrase.
“Hi I’m a Mac. And I’m a P.C.”
A popular Ad comically contrasting a human image of a Macintosh and a Windows machine. This ad is targeted to enhance the product image of Macs while degrading its rivals through contrast marketing.
In usual circumstances, a company must create commercials and show them for a long period of time in order to engrave the commercial in the consumer’s head. This takes tremendous funding and time. However Microsoft has created a commercial that skips over the funding and time. They have decided to hop on to the “I’m a Mac and I’m a P.C.” commercial by using the same catch line to counter the Mac commercial and the negative stereotype that Apple created towards Microsoft.
The commercial first displays the stereotype that Apple created towards Microsoft and counters it by showing that Windows users are everyday people and not just tech savy young people like Mac users. I find that this ad is clever in a sense that it uses Apple’s ad and creates an effective and develops on a popular meme without spending much funding or effort.