Inquiry Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning is an opportunity for learners to explore their interests and passions and become more engaged in their learning through choice and questioning.  Learning through inquiry takes learners through the cyclical process of asking questions, investigating, creating, discussing and reflecting to deepen their learning. As mentioned in my educational philosophy with hands-on activities, inquiry based learning allows students to participate in the ‘doing’ encouraging them to learn how to learn in a way that works for them.

I arrived on day one dressed like an Ancient Greek woman. I began my lesson by asking for volunteers to guess where I had come from and what year perhaps I might represent. The students learned about my wardrobe, the culture and food and were able to create their own ancient Greek olympic crowns just like the ancient athletes wore. The students wore their crowns proudly out at recess and lunch, and were so excited to learn more about this topic. I found that by having a lot of pre-made artifacts such as an olympic torch, a costume, laminated posters, an ancient scroll or videos to listen to the Greek alphabet helped a lot to capture the attention of my students.

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