
In 1996, Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the young age of 25. The years following his diagnosis Lance Armstrong began to realize that there was little to no support out there for people through and after the diagnosis. This marks the beginning of the LIVESTRONG foundation. As the years proceed and the foundation continues to grow, it develops the reputation as a beacon of hope that if the founder can beat cancer and continue to live his life others can follow in that path. In an interview with Oprah Lance admits to the doping allegations. This confession left the LIVESTRONG foundation with the problem of how to move forward. The foundation could go one of two ways either stick by their founder and have the face of their foundation forever be associated with the man who may not have been the only one who cheated but he was the best at it. The other option for the company was to drop Lance Armstrong as the face of the brand and try to do what many other companies have done when faced with an ethical scandal and begin to build up their reputation again.


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