Keeping Track of Life

Like so many people today, we have passwords for everything from bank accounts to MasterCard accounts. How does a person keep track of all the different passwords for all the different sites, along with the ever-growing demand from sites for more complex passwords? One man thinks he has found the solution; Daniel Robichaud has come up an idea of a company called “Password Box Inc.” The company’s main target is to create an app that can be a lock box for all a person’s passwords. Once a person downloads the app the first 25 passwords are free and then a fee of $1 for every month after that.

All the passwords are guarded in the app that can only be accessed by the use of a master password. Mr. Robichaud may have stumbled onto a million dollar idea with his latest entrepreneurship adventure. The Password Box would be a huge success on the older demographic and with more and more sites requesting more complex passwords and requesting the password gets changed every so often to avoid hacking, it would be as easy as 1,2,3 for a person to forget a password to their social media site or banking account. Mr. Robichaud may have stumbled onto the alternative to a thousand notes in a book of passwords.

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