Scotiabank, the official bank of the NHL, has come up with an innovative marketing campaign which takes advantage of its partnership in a way that hasn’t been seen before. Rather than putting its logo on jerseys or displaying banners in hockey rinks, the Canada-based bank has developed a new line of debit and credit cards, each of which feature one of the 30 team logos. This leaves the customer free to choose which team they would like to display on their card and show their support for while going through day-to-day transactions. Bank of Nova Scotia Chief Executive Officer Richard Waugh believes that this expensive campaign will be a success because “a large segment of the population watches or goes to see hockey” in Canada. With this strategy, Scotiabank aims to reinforce its connection with current customers, as well as attract new hockey-loving clients.

Scotiabank has revealed its new line of hockey-themed credit and debit cards.
Scotiabank’s hockey strategy is a solid one. By positioning itself as “Canada’s hockey bank” it has established itself in the minds of Canadians as a bank that represents its country’s values. In becoming the sponsor of Canada’s national sport, Scotiabank has created the impression of being a more relatable, trustworthy bank. Potential customers will be more likely to buy products from a bank whose image they can identify with. This campaign has much potential for success, especially given the powerful element of good-natured competition that the bank has introduced in allowing fans to choose their favourite team.