BC Hydro jolts companies into action through Power Smart campaign

BC Ferries has become the most recent company to partner with the BC Hydro Power Smart program, with aims to implement more energy-efficient methods to manage its business. In the past year, BC Ferries has saved enough energy to power 31 homes through its lighting and heating retrofits. Becoming more socially and environmentally responsible has become the goal of an increasing amount of businesses, as they look for more sustainable energy management strategies.

Fortunately, BC Hydro makes the switch to sustainability as easy as it gets. Not only does the company lead by example through their environmental responsibility, promotion of resource conservation and commitment to clean energy, but it also provides companies with workshops, rebates and other resources to encourage them to have a positive impact on the community while saving energy and money.

This idea of corporate social responsibility is being adopted by more and more companies who aim to benefit society and create shared value through the running of their business. BC Hydro should be commended for providing so many incentives for companies to get on board this positive movement through their various promotional events, such as the Power Smart Energy Challenge. The Canadian energy giant should certainly be recognized as one of the leaders of a brighter, greener future.

4 thoughts on “BC Hydro jolts companies into action through Power Smart campaign

  1. It is great to know that a company that has a monopoly over the market is doing something and helping the community.
    Thank you for sharing that.

  2. I’m surprised a company as large as BC Hydro is so quick to make environmentally healthy choices like this. Let’s hope that other large corporations will follow suit.

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