A take-away lesson on innovation

Living in the so-called “digital age” means that companies are constantly being presented with opportunities to innovate and adapt to the changing market. In fact, new technologies are coming out so rapidly that the questions businesses usually ask themselves are which ones to implement, and whether the innovation has the potential for long-term survival. Investing in a new technology is, after all, a risk, and a company wants to ensure that the discovery has a future.

An example of a business that has fearlessly embraced a recent innovation is Takeaway.com, a website for ordering food for delivery that has subsidiaries all across Europe. Most recently, the branching website that manages home delivery in the Netherlands has adopted the use of bitcoin as a form of online payment. Bitcoin is a revolutionary form of online currency that operates with no central authority or banks, is open source, and uses peer-to-peer technology. Customers are eager to use this form of payment due to its negligible transaction fees, as compared to those incurred through using PayPal or credit cards.

Bitcoin has been gaining traction, trading near record highs against the U.S. dollar and the euro. It has been becoming increasingly popular due to its simplicity and low processing fees. Businesses such as those owned by Takeaway.com are making a good decision in participating in this revolutionary movement because accepting bitcoin as a form of payment is a great way to gain access to the emerging market of new customers.