Housing in Vancouver

Being a Vancouverite and a student, Calen’s Blog about Vancouver’s housing industry really caught my attention. I have known that Vancouver’s housing industry has been increasing rapidly, but not to its full extent. Prices in the $2-5 million range have risen by 49% since 2009! I learned that this is mainly due to foreign investors, who are securing their money by buying property in Vancouver. It’s unbelievable that Asian investors, mainly mainland Chinese, make up “90% of sales of properties costing $5 million and more.” All of these foreign investors and inflation of prices are causing concern among many Vancouver residences. Therefore, I am really fond of Calen’s idea of making “investors” who are spending a small amount of time in their homes pay an extra fee. This would really support Vancouverites and others, who really work hard and deserve to live in the city. Recently Vancouver is ranked as the second least affordable major city after Hong Kong for the past three years which depicts how the extreme the housing market is becoming. Ultimately the escalating prices in housing is hurting students like myself because after accumulated loans, low employment rates, and income that isn’t sufficient enough to support young adults, we will not be able to afford housing.




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