About Our Project

Our team chose Coca-Cola Company for our group project through voting on our first meeting. Honestly, before I started my research, my knowledge of Coca-Cola only including it is a big company and they sell carbonated beverage. But during the research, I found that Coca-Cola has 127years history; more than 3500 product worldwide and very strong communication with the public. I have to say I purchased more Coke then usually after I done this project. And also this project help me understood how use the SWOT, CDSTEP and STP to analyze a company’s current situation and to make marketing recommendations as to what they could potentially do in the future.

The third assignment was the most interesting one among these three. We adopted Julia’s idea of video to filming in the white board. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot during the filming. Jeffery is responsible for the edit and he did a really great job! I liked to using video for my final presentation in marketing class. And I believed that video project gave me an opportunity to develop important business skills that I would not have learned from delivering presentation, like how to present in front of client by a creative way; how to choose the idea of filming by analysis the current situation and how to realize it step by step.

Actually, this project is the first team work I had done after I got into UBC; I was so worried about whom my teammates are and how to work with them. But I’m so glad that I was in such a great team. Each teammate is easy-going, hard-working and willing to listen to each other. Everyone made a great effort.

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