Cross-Marketing between Samsung and Lorde

This is not the first time advertisement and singer brought together for a cross-marketing push promoting; the headline of yesterday in ADWEEK website is “The latest Samsung ‘Design Your Life’ commercial from Leo Burnett” The Samsung brings together one huge up-and-coming talent and one firmly established one for its new global “Design Your Life” spot from Leo Burnett in Chicago, advertising the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear.( ad-day-lordes-song-royals-makes-ad-debut-samsung-galaxy-note-3-153008“samsung”     lorde

This ad directed by Furlined’s Adam Hashemi, the spot tells the story of a mysterious character that arrives in a blighted city setting and uses his Galaxy Note 3 tablet and Galaxy Gear smart watch to set in motion an at-first-cryptic urban development project.

The youth of the city follow the man through the deserted streets, each taking turns singing the Lorde song—a version that’s pretty faithful to the original, despite the different voices. Eventually, there’s a scene of complete destruction, followed by utter renewal—as the mystery man turns out to be the world’s most famous soccer player, Lionel Messi.

Cross-marketing is a way to integrate the resources like time, money, ideas, human resource, activities or presentation space for any business to reach more potential customers. Cross-marketing strategies are most effective when woven into a partnership where both parties benefit from the marriage. In this ad, Lorde’s new song helps to promote the new product of Samsung and, in turn, Samsung helps Lorde by introduce her song to more people. Everybody wins. Cross-marketing has become an important element of cooperation, it is not just for large enterprises, as long as have certain conditions, businesses of all sizes can be carried out within a certain range cross-marketing to help enterprises in the fierce market competition; excitation more people shopping motivations; more frequent exposure to more potential customers; building trust with customers and communities.

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