Hello from Fort Steele, B.C.


Hi Everyone,

My name is Kristin Garratt and I live in the beautiful East Kootenay region of B.C.  Six years ago, my husband and I moved from downtown Toronto and ended up in this fantastic place.  Currently, I am an online Math and Science teacher with Rocky Mountain Distributed Learning.  I am in charge of all Math and Science courses from grades 8-12.  It has definitely been keeping me busy.

When I am not online with my job or working on the MET courses, you can find me outside on my farm.  It’s lamb season!  We just had 8 new lambs over the past few weeks.  That brings our farm count up to 21 lambs, 15 pigs, 25 chickens, 10 head of cattle, 3 horses, 2 dogs, and a couple barn cats.

My goal for this course is to be more organized with my blog posts.  This is my second time using a WordPress site and it was a steep learning curve with the first one.  I hope to continue to evolve throughout the weeks.

Keep checking back!

4 thoughts on “Hello from Fort Steele, B.C.

  1. Emily

    Wow! What an amazing farm you have! Such cute animals and I bet a ton of work. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the coming months 🙂

    • kristin garratt

      Hi Emily! Thanks for checking out my blog. The farm keeps me busy, but it is a great way to find balance. I am currently exploring “what’s in my bag” it’s funny to look through something that I used to use daily, now haven’t touched in 2.5 months! Looking forward to working with you too!

  2. I love that farm life and being a teacher can work together now days! Such rich opportunities that Ed Tech brings sometimes 🙂 Enjoy enjoy enjoy, and I look forward to learning with and from you over the next few weeks.

    • kristin garratt

      Hi Jamie, thanks for stopping by my site! It is a work in progress. I am really looking forward to diving into this course. I’ll swing by and check out your site as well. I will see you at the video conference on Saturday 🙂

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