Task 10: In YOUR face, User Inyerface


Okay, so I am still laughing about this exercise.  This was a completely enjoyable experience.  Yes, I agree with many that it is frustrating, but it goes to show you what UI design is and why it is so important.

The best part was how slow the “can I help you?” pop-up minimized.  I truly laughed out loud when it trickled down the page.


The biggest challenge for me was when the age and date did not match up.  Okay, how do I trick this thing, how do I fool the game by randomly trying different dates to match my correct age?  Was this the unbeatable stage of the game?  Was that the point?  Was I supposed to take a screenshot of the place where I didn’t move forward?

It is interesting, there are a lot of things in life that cause anxiety and stress, however, computer glitches and formatting for websites do not raise my blood pressure.  I feel more relaxed and clear-headed and my problem-solving side comes out.

My pride made me want to try it again to beat my score, but I am worried that I might get different error messages on the 3rd screen and I won’t be able to move forward again.

I don’t want to highlight too much to give away the secrets, but for everyone who is reading this, every single step is created to slow you down.

One thought on “Task 10: In YOUR face, User Inyerface

  1. Rebecca Hydamacka

    I loved this task, despite the frustration. After several attempts I did get through. I even clicked the help link several times just to watch the number of people requesting help climb. The @lose was a great touch too! I am still not sure how I got past the “terms’ page. I am guessing you did not slow down to click on the Bagaar logo in the lower left corner. An interesting website – especially if you want to work for them as the final screen suggests. What do you think their goal in creating the game was? And for who?

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