Task 6: Emoji-wiz


First of all, please enlarge the settings on your web browser to zoom in or right click to open the image in a new tab. I have attempted to upload five different versions of this image in various sizes and pixels, but each time I post, the image size defaults.  Instead of enlarging and making the image blurry, please adjust to size to see the different emojis.

People are texting all of the time. The majority of us are comfortable with the process. I first read about this task, and I was excited about the challenge.
It was surprisingly hard. I realized that I never use emojis to tell a story. When I am texting people, I use emojis to translate tone. I know that short texts can come across abrupt, so I rely on the cuteto keep the tone light and playful, but never for actual content.
I relied on ideas for my story, but now that I think about it, it might have been fun to try to break it down into syllables. That method is reserved for experienced emoji users.

I started with the title, that seems logical. If this were a game of charades, you would start with the title to give the audience context. Book and media begin with a title, and without any instructions, that would be what people would assume to be the first line. With my TV show, the title also introduces the characters and the connections between them. This helps to set the stage to describe the different character interactions that have taken place throughout the episode.
I have been binge-watching this series on Netflix with my husband. I started on Monday, and now that it is Wednesday, I have attempted a few different episodes to see which theme would translate best to emojis.
With this show, there are so many connections and underlying humour, I had to choose an episode where there weren’t six different storylines and woven together.
Other episodes revolved around:

I am looking forward to exploring other posts and attempting to decipher the puzzles that people have created.

7 thoughts on “Task 6: Emoji-wiz

  1. Katlyn Paslawski

    Hey Kristin,
    Unfortunately I don’t have a decent guess for this show, I probably haven’t seen it yet. Based on your emoji’s I would say this show is about a single mom, a family and a couple that is trying to have a baby??
    In this episode does the mom loose a baby? Is the couple keeping a secret about getting a baby?
    I can tell that there is a good plot to this episode as there is a beginning, a climax (the fight in the middle) and an ending… I just can’t quiet figure out what 😛
    Looking forward to finding out what it is 🙂

    • Kristin Garratt

      Katlyn, you are so close!

      Hint: the hearts in the title suggests that the groups love each other. The groups are an old man and a younger woman, they have a baby, who loves a “typical” family, that is married with kids, who loves a married gay couple. The show is about a group of them together.
      However, you are also very close with your guess on the plot. Each grouping has to interact with a doctor. The interactions all intermingled, and there was a massive fight during the climax of the episode and then the resolution amongst each character. Can you guess which show it is? Since it is on Netflix, the show has been around for a lot of seasons. All can be streamed now.

  2. Ryan Dorey

    I had Brady Bunch in my head, until I thought to myself
    “Who is binging Brady Bunch?!!?” :0
    Then When I got to the ax and knife I knew there was something up!
    I’ll be back to find out!

    • Kristin Garratt

      Hey Ryan, you are so close! It is about a family, but not the Brady Bunch. Hahaha, exactly, who would be binging on that. However, there is another family-centric show that many people on Netflix are binging, because it keeps showing up in the top 10 most-watched in my area.

  3. Ryan Dorey

    I had Brady Bunch in my head, until I thought to myself
    “Who is binging Brady Bunch?!!?” :0
    Then, when I got to the ax and knife emoji, I knew there was something up!
    I’ll be back to find out!

  4. MargaretNash

    Hi Kristin!

    Is it Modern Family???? I am HORRIBLE at this – I haven’t had any luck in figuring out anyone’s story as I don’t watch much TV (which is why I picked a show my kids often watch for my story!). But I’m guessing Modern Family because of the hint you gave to Kaitlyn, not really based on the emojis….

    • Kristin Garratt

      You got it! Congratulations 🙂 That’s exactly right. I have been finding that I struggle with everyone’s choices. Some are so accurate to the title (Tiger King), but people have already guessed it. I am searching for someone’s where I can be the first guess. I realized my hint might be a bit on the nose, but I am not happy with how my emoji are posted. They are so small, but I tried 5 different ways, and these were the clearest. Thanks for guessing!

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