Link 1 – What’s in my Bag?


Linking 1 – What’s in my bag?

Linked to Katlyn Paslawski

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I didn’t know what to expect when I started this course.  I set up my blog and tackled the first post, “what’s in my bag?” This task could not have come at a more appropriate time.  I had reached for my everyday bag and stopped.  I realized that it had not moved in 2 months.

After posting my first task, I started to explore my colleagues’ reflections.  I connected immediately with Katlyn’s post.  At first, I thought it was my own.  My thoughts and feelings were reflected in her own.  After two months of working from home, it was so comforting to read that she was feeling the same as I did about a bag that was used daily that is long since forgotten.  I also connected to her comments about the stylish things that she owns. Now I felt like I was looking in the past, my own “stylish” things were older but still cherished. I am glad that I came across this post, it is fascinating how strong a connection can be made across such a distance with a person I have not seen in person.

We both used the same blog format, and since this post was about reflection, I believe it is more about the text than the technology.  Now that we are a few weeks into the course, I can see that perhaps I could have filmed my bag, sort of like an ‘unboxing’ that people do on social media and post my initial reflections to what I had forgotten was in my daily bag.  In the beginning, I was focused on the text and was a little shy about the technology. Going through these reflections, I realize that I have more confidence now to try new ways to present my tasks.  I liked the itemized way that she displayed her items. It looked like an instruction manual or a guide into her life.  It was a nice added feature.

Katlyn’s blog is set up very. Clearly, the course assignments are displayed across the top header, and it provides an organized impression that is mirrored in the set up of her post.  I think this is also an insight into her personality and teaching style.  She is energetic and eager to try new things, but tackles challenges in a very methodical way.  I was very impressed with her post and the overall format of her blog.

Thank you, Katlyn, for allowing us to see a bit of your personal side!  Well done!