Link 2 – Potato Printing


Linking 2 – Manual Scripts and Potato Prints

Linked to Jamie Ashton

linked to

I was so impressed when I came across Jamie’s potato printing post.  I was immediately drawn to her display picture.  The word had a backwards “R,” and I connected to that.  I had gone through the exact same process.  She spoke about how she embraced her mistake, and I covered mine up.  I took a photo of my finished stamps just before inking and realized I could read the letters, which meant that they were backwards.  Luckily, 4 of 5 letters were symmetrical, but the “N” would not work.  I was jealous that she kept hers the way it was.  That demonstrates the confidence that I tend to lack with my MET assignments.  She included both options for her task, and as I also completed both jobs, I didn’t include my manual scripts with my final posting because I was not confident to share it with the class.  I painstakingly cut down my post to fit it in the 300-word count.  Jamie’s confidence allowed her to express her ideas without restriction.  She went above and beyond by including videos and recommended reading lists.  She passionately conducted her analysis and enhanced our learning experience of the course topic.  Where I cut and limited myself, she thrived.

Jamie uses the same WordPress website for her posts in a slightly different theme. With the addition of the second linked assignment, I needed to modify my own idea to create a list of the various links.  I wonder how many other students have changed their theme mid-course.  With Jamie’s, the posts are all displayed in post-it style, instead of a scrolling feed like mine.  I am also taking ETEC 523, and we are encouraged to complete the course on our mobile devices. With that in mind, I am exploring her site on my phone, and it is not as visually appealing in mobile format.  I do enjoy the layout on the laptop.  The post-it style gives you a visual image and a preview of what is the post topic.  Both forms have their pros and cons, and for this course, I believe the laptop version would be preferable.

Jamie’s effort is focused on the content of her posts.  As I mentioned above, the work she has put forth is outstanding.  The theme she chose fits the course make-up well, and the layout is professional and visually appealing. Well done, Jamie.  Thank you for inspiring me to embrace my efforts and to not shy away from sharing more of a personal side through my text and in the technology that I use.