Rebuilding Lululemon

Lululemon has been trying to rebuild its reputation ever since the founder, Chip Wilson had an interview stating, “Some women’s bodies aren’t fit for Luluemon.” Ashley Anderson ( touched on Lululemon’s issues last year discussing Lululemon’s setbacks.

The article “Lululemon feels the heat in the competitive ‘athleisure’ market,” discusses the company’s competitor, Under Armour, who just released a video of supermodel Gisele Bundchen, showing her kickboxing skills marketed specifically for women.   Lululemon has spent its year patching the damages made by its founder, Chip Wilson and now they’re facing new problems; keeping up with their competitors. Throughout Lululemon’s set backs, other athletic wear companies are continuing to push ahead and create new lines for women’s athletics. I think that the company struggled with a huge marketing set back last year when dealing with the poor quality yoga pants, but I think that it’s overall reputation and desire for the clothing was what caused the company to bounce back quickly. Lululemon needs to focus on its quality of clothing in order to properly rebuild its company. If they want to continue to charge high prices for their clothing they have to ensure that their product is better then any other competitor.


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