Gender Equality

The article, “Watch Emma Watson Deliver a Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the U.N,” discusses Emma’s inspiring and remarkable speech about feminism and equality that took place at the U.N headquarters in New York. Her speech talks about her campaign “HeForShe,” which advocates ending inequality for both men and women.

Emma Watson Gender Equality-Video

When looking back into history and the events that have occurred to progress women equality, the improvement is remarkable but still not complete.  In 1916 a lady by the name of Emily Murphy, became the first female magistrate in Canada and in the British Empire.  Emily Murphy was a Canadian women’s right activist who fought for change. In order to create a world where all men and women are equal, people need to become more aware of the issues that are present today and stand up for the right beliefs, which is what both Emily Murphy and Emma Watson have done. I believe that this speech will cause a ripple effect, meaning that more people will get involved with Emma’s campaign and work to equalize men and women. In order to make a change, it only takes one person and in this case it is Emma Watson sanding up for what she believes in and what is truly right.



Emily Murphy- Women’s suffragist [1]

Gender equality becomes a very important issue when looking at business ethics. Treating both men and women equally in the workplace is crucial when striving to become a well-recognized and influential company. I think that Emma Watson has made a global difference in striving to create gender equality both in the business world and in the overall society.

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