Germany’s Ripple Effect

Germany has transformed into a state that focuses and strives for sustainability. Its constant solar and wind production has become globally recognized and will continue to impact other parts of the world. In Germany solar panels supply 7 percent of power and wind turbines provide 10 percent. Germany is almost at 30 percent for receiving their energy through renewable energy resources and this has caused a ripple effect to the rest of the world. Slowly Canada has started to catch on to this remarkable economic difference and has increased its turbine and solar panel production. Just off the shores of Kingston Ontario, is an Island, Wolfe Island where 86 turbines were built up in 2009. These turbines combined create enough energy to power 75, 000 average homes. This is not only a huge step to renewable energy but it also has positive effects on the landowners where the turbines were built, because they are given monthly payments. Overall this project has positively impacted the environment and the Island’s income. Increase of tourists was quite substantial after the production of the turbines and small businesses were benefitting.


Wolfe Island Wind Farm  (By Kristina Walker)

Threats to Businesses:

As renewable energy continues to increase across the nation, other electricity generating companies will start to be compromised. In North America, renewable energy isn’t a big enough market right not to cause serious damages to other companies but could potentially lead to future economic problems in the future.


Wolfe Island Wind Farm (By Kristina Walker)



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