Taking the “naked” Approach

naked coconuts is a brand that consumers can trust for their honesty and quality. Paul Gill, the founder of the company had a goal of offering pure products with real benefits and truly caring about their consumers, and this is exactly what he did.

“naked coconuts” is a great example of following  PEST; Changing Environmental, Social and Technological factors. Through their discovery of creating a soy free soy sauce, this has impacted the environment, they use healthy foods such as coconuts and simultaneously create a delicious product. I believe that this is where the business world in going, innovating and creating new products that fit consumer’s needs and benefitting their health. Their products provide consumers with the assurance that they are consuming healthy foods that taste delicious. These types of products will continue to increase economic change. As people become more educated about health and are provided with healthy, good tasting products, this will affect the economy’s demand for products which will also shift supply. Consumers will start to demand products that not only satisfy their cravings and needs but they will have to be healthy for them. This is the approach that “naked coconuts” has taken. The company sells their products in different whole foods stores across Canada, while keeping an online market. Online shopping is becoming more popular and this technological change will benefit society through convenience and easy accessibility.  naked coconuts have taken the proper social, economic and environmental approach with their business and this will allow them to continue to grow, both as a company and as a well recognized brand.


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