Going Pro with GoPro

GoPro is a perfect example of an entrepreneur, Nick Woodman who found his passion and conquered his dream. Taking $265,000 and turning it into a business worth over a billion dollars is truly remarkable. Innovation is the backbone to this business, taking a regular hand held camera and attaching it to a strap was the start to this venture and innovation is what has carried it along.



12 years ago, GoPro didn’t even exist and now you can’t watch an extreme sport without seeing the name GoPro. Many businesses really focus on marketing, but GoPro’s approach was a little different. Yes they marketed and promoted the product, but it was the product itself that took it to the next level in the market. During the 2008 recession GoPro brought in 8 million dollars, this is because people wanted and frankly needed this product. Today GoPro promotes itself, and that’s the difference between a good and great product.

Creativity and following your passion is the drive behind an entrepreneur. Solving people’s needs and wants through creating a product is what all entrepreneurs strive for, but only the passionate ones succeed.  People use this product because it not only captures the moment and excitement in one’s life but it captures it with amazing quality.  GroPro’s are used in many world sporting events, such as the world championship for the Ironman.  As an athlete myself, I can appreciate what GoPro offers and understand the thrill of watching yourself competing in  your own sport in action at a high quality. Creating a business that contributes to society in a positive and innovative way is rare to come by but that is exactly what Nick Woodman has done.


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