Creating Positive Impact Through Initiative

The Arc and social enterprise take a huge roll in the UBC community in gathering business skills and concepts and teaching them to people in underprivileged countries.   They focus on internal growth and long term development, which creates an environment filled with learning and opportunities for those less fortunate.

The UN provides funding and political support to stabilize undeveloped countries. Removing the Arc and social enterprise would simultaneously remove the connection of people helping people, which is what the Arc and social enterprise bring. Providing communities with a sense of belonging and knowledge facilitates economic growth and prosperity. Providing countries in need through the UN will eliminate solving the smaller problems in communities and reduce teaching to people in need of education. Although the UN provides funding and political stability, it doesn’t provide personal connections where people evolve, learn and create. Having these programs not only give knowledge and personal skills to the underprivileged people, they also provide learning and recognition to the volunteers.



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