Creating Positive Impact Through Initiative

The Arc and social enterprise take a huge roll in the UBC community in gathering business skills and concepts and teaching them to people in underprivileged countries.   They focus on internal growth and long term development, which creates an environment filled with learning and opportunities for those less fortunate.

The UN provides funding and political support to stabilize undeveloped countries. Removing the Arc and social enterprise would simultaneously remove the connection of people helping people, which is what the Arc and social enterprise bring. Providing communities with a sense of belonging and knowledge facilitates economic growth and prosperity. Providing countries in need through the UN will eliminate solving the smaller problems in communities and reduce teaching to people in need of education. Although the UN provides funding and political stability, it doesn’t provide personal connections where people evolve, learn and create. Having these programs not only give knowledge and personal skills to the underprivileged people, they also provide learning and recognition to the volunteers.



Taking the “naked” Approach

naked coconuts is a brand that consumers can trust for their honesty and quality. Paul Gill, the founder of the company had a goal of offering pure products with real benefits and truly caring about their consumers, and this is exactly what he did.

“naked coconuts” is a great example of following  PEST; Changing Environmental, Social and Technological factors. Through their discovery of creating a soy free soy sauce, this has impacted the environment, they use healthy foods such as coconuts and simultaneously create a delicious product. I believe that this is where the business world in going, innovating and creating new products that fit consumer’s needs and benefitting their health. Their products provide consumers with the assurance that they are consuming healthy foods that taste delicious. These types of products will continue to increase economic change. As people become more educated about health and are provided with healthy, good tasting products, this will affect the economy’s demand for products which will also shift supply. Consumers will start to demand products that not only satisfy their cravings and needs but they will have to be healthy for them. This is the approach that “naked coconuts” has taken. The company sells their products in different whole foods stores across Canada, while keeping an online market. Online shopping is becoming more popular and this technological change will benefit society through convenience and easy accessibility.  naked coconuts have taken the proper social, economic and environmental approach with their business and this will allow them to continue to grow, both as a company and as a well recognized brand.


Difference Between Nearly Existing and Truly Living

Rich Roll is an accomplished vegan ultra-endurance athlete. A former entertainment attorney, Rich transformed his life and focused on eating a fully plant-based diet and conquering one of the most intense races known to humanity, the Ultra Iron Man.   Rich’s career path is a huge eye opener to people, especially students in business. Often in business, students are focused on the money side rather then impacting society in a positive way and becoming your best self. Rich has created shared value throughout his plant-based career. Educating people and setting an example of proper living and becoming the best version of him, while concededly creating a business. Rich offers a podcast for people to listen in on his adventures and interview with other people in the healthy living business industry. Creating a business space where people can create and evolve the environment through innovation and sustainability is what the economy needs. Businesses that offer benefits to both the environment and humanity is starting to become a must as people become more educated about how to sustain themselves and the world.


I discovered Rich’s story when arriving to UBC, unfortunately his story isn’t as recognized as it should be. This could be due to marketing issues. Marketing in business is a critical aspect to a successful company. Establishing a well-known social media connection with consumers is becoming more important as technology continues to expand. Creating a connection of comfort and belonging between a business and a consumer is what maintains and excels growth of a company.  That is the difference of a company nearly existing and truly living.

Let’s Talk Marketing



Creating Shared Value

The concept of shared value is very important in the business industry. It is the operating of practices and policies that enhance the competitiveness in a company, while providing social and economic conditions within the communities it operates. In order for a company to excel and create a positive impact on society while simultaneously delivering a product that is needed/wanted by consumers, shared value becomes a must.



My classmate, Jianglin wrote about Starbucks, and how the company has become the leader in the coffee industry. The blog discusses how Starbucks has established a loyal relationship with its customers, and I believe that they’ve done this partly through shared value. The article Shared Value and Partnerships, recognizes Starbucks with it’s partnership with the Opportunity Finance Network, where Starbucks donated 5 million dollars to launch “Create Jobs for USA program” and asks it’s customers to donate when purchasing one of their products. Starbucks also achieves shared value through their initiative to recycle all customer cups by 2015.  This is a very important contribution that the company does which shoes costumers their contribution to the environment and sustainability.


Starbucks’ incentive of creating shared value not only contributes to society in a positive way but these contributions attract customers to purchase their product. People want to contribute to organizations and causes that impact society, and Starbucks allows them to this while they’re purchasing their product.



Going Pro with GoPro

GoPro is a perfect example of an entrepreneur, Nick Woodman who found his passion and conquered his dream. Taking $265,000 and turning it into a business worth over a billion dollars is truly remarkable. Innovation is the backbone to this business, taking a regular hand held camera and attaching it to a strap was the start to this venture and innovation is what has carried it along.



12 years ago, GoPro didn’t even exist and now you can’t watch an extreme sport without seeing the name GoPro. Many businesses really focus on marketing, but GoPro’s approach was a little different. Yes they marketed and promoted the product, but it was the product itself that took it to the next level in the market. During the 2008 recession GoPro brought in 8 million dollars, this is because people wanted and frankly needed this product. Today GoPro promotes itself, and that’s the difference between a good and great product.

Creativity and following your passion is the drive behind an entrepreneur. Solving people’s needs and wants through creating a product is what all entrepreneurs strive for, but only the passionate ones succeed.  People use this product because it not only captures the moment and excitement in one’s life but it captures it with amazing quality.  GroPro’s are used in many world sporting events, such as the world championship for the Ironman.  As an athlete myself, I can appreciate what GoPro offers and understand the thrill of watching yourself competing in  your own sport in action at a high quality. Creating a business that contributes to society in a positive and innovative way is rare to come by but that is exactly what Nick Woodman has done.


Germany’s Ripple Effect

Germany has transformed into a state that focuses and strives for sustainability. Its constant solar and wind production has become globally recognized and will continue to impact other parts of the world. In Germany solar panels supply 7 percent of power and wind turbines provide 10 percent. Germany is almost at 30 percent for receiving their energy through renewable energy resources and this has caused a ripple effect to the rest of the world. Slowly Canada has started to catch on to this remarkable economic difference and has increased its turbine and solar panel production. Just off the shores of Kingston Ontario, is an Island, Wolfe Island where 86 turbines were built up in 2009. These turbines combined create enough energy to power 75, 000 average homes. This is not only a huge step to renewable energy but it also has positive effects on the landowners where the turbines were built, because they are given monthly payments. Overall this project has positively impacted the environment and the Island’s income. Increase of tourists was quite substantial after the production of the turbines and small businesses were benefitting.


Wolfe Island Wind Farm  (By Kristina Walker)

Threats to Businesses:

As renewable energy continues to increase across the nation, other electricity generating companies will start to be compromised. In North America, renewable energy isn’t a big enough market right not to cause serious damages to other companies but could potentially lead to future economic problems in the future.


Wolfe Island Wind Farm (By Kristina Walker)



The Tsihqot’in Nation

The Tsilhqot’in are a First Nations people of the Athabaskan-speaking ethnolinguistic group that live in British Columbia. The article, “To the Tsilhqot’in, with Gloves,” talks about the First Nation Peoples struggles that they face with regarding their preserved land. When companies want to overtake First Nations land I think an important issue to think about is ethics. Is it ethically correct when an oil company fights to overtake and destroy the Tsilhqot’s land? Supreme Court Justice Beverley McLachlin supports the First Nations and is the reason why their land is maintaining untouched. Beaver Lake Cree

Tsilhpot’in Nation

First Nation members have come together and banded the effort to conserve the land by making a large portion of it as a tribal park.  This restricts companies from extracting resources, which could lead to huge setbacks for many mining companies and restrict overall economic growth of the mining industry in British Columbia.

The Article “The First Nation chiefs to stage Site showdown,” discusses how BC wants to construct and operate a dam and 1,100 megawatt hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeastern British Columbia. The Tsilhqot’in people have stated that they are interested in supporting smaller projects within the areas of wind, solar and geothermal power. I think that this is a very reasonable statement and very environmentally efficient.  If BC hydro were to build this dam, it will cause valley flooding, which would impair their rights to fish, hunt and use the area for ceremonial purposes. These issues that arise with big companies wanting to take over and destroy the First Nations peoples habitat need to be ethically revised.

Gender Equality

The article, “Watch Emma Watson Deliver a Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the U.N,” discusses Emma’s inspiring and remarkable speech about feminism and equality that took place at the U.N headquarters in New York. Her speech talks about her campaign “HeForShe,” which advocates ending inequality for both men and women.

Emma Watson Gender Equality-Video

When looking back into history and the events that have occurred to progress women equality, the improvement is remarkable but still not complete.  In 1916 a lady by the name of Emily Murphy, became the first female magistrate in Canada and in the British Empire.  Emily Murphy was a Canadian women’s right activist who fought for change. In order to create a world where all men and women are equal, people need to become more aware of the issues that are present today and stand up for the right beliefs, which is what both Emily Murphy and Emma Watson have done. I believe that this speech will cause a ripple effect, meaning that more people will get involved with Emma’s campaign and work to equalize men and women. In order to make a change, it only takes one person and in this case it is Emma Watson sanding up for what she believes in and what is truly right.



Emily Murphy- Women’s suffragist [1]

Gender equality becomes a very important issue when looking at business ethics. Treating both men and women equally in the workplace is crucial when striving to become a well-recognized and influential company. I think that Emma Watson has made a global difference in striving to create gender equality both in the business world and in the overall society.

Rebuilding Lululemon

Lululemon has been trying to rebuild its reputation ever since the founder, Chip Wilson had an interview stating, “Some women’s bodies aren’t fit for Luluemon.” Ashley Anderson ( touched on Lululemon’s issues last year discussing Lululemon’s setbacks.

The article “Lululemon feels the heat in the competitive ‘athleisure’ market,” discusses the company’s competitor, Under Armour, who just released a video of supermodel Gisele Bundchen, showing her kickboxing skills marketed specifically for women.   Lululemon has spent its year patching the damages made by its founder, Chip Wilson and now they’re facing new problems; keeping up with their competitors. Throughout Lululemon’s set backs, other athletic wear companies are continuing to push ahead and create new lines for women’s athletics. I think that the company struggled with a huge marketing set back last year when dealing with the poor quality yoga pants, but I think that it’s overall reputation and desire for the clothing was what caused the company to bounce back quickly. Lululemon needs to focus on its quality of clothing in order to properly rebuild its company. If they want to continue to charge high prices for their clothing they have to ensure that their product is better then any other competitor.


Perception is Everything

The Article “How a rookie can start off their career right,” talks about how each year a new class of the National Basketball Association gather for a four-day orientation called the Rookie Transition Program. Throughout the program different topics are discussed such as “How to be a professional, how to make the most of every opportunity through preparation, how to manage your money and how to manage your reputation.” This article relates to any first year, including business students in the sense that although were not future NBA stars, we have to represent ourselves the same way discussed throughout the article. As a rookie in any sport, school, profession, or in an activity, people have to decide whom they want to be perceived as. This also includes how you represent yourself through social media as a positive person.  Making a mistake in today’s society can result in huge consequences because social media is often involved, meaning anyone can see what happened.   A mistake that a person posts on social media could jeopardize ones academics, athletics and profession. This relates to how people have to act in a business environment, not only do they have to represent themselves in a positive, important way but also represent their business or corporation with high importance and responsibility.

Andrew Wiggins takes part in the NBA Rookie Transition Program this summer in New Jersey. (Steven Freeman/Courtesy of the NBA)Andrew Wiggins at the NBA Rookie Transition Program.

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