Meat Scandal

Fast-food chains have come under fire many times for the unethical treatments of their employees, productions of goods and more. Expired meat was added in the list of problems during the summer of 2014. Shangai Husi is part of a bigger company known as OSI, who wrote in a statement regarding the scandal that they prioritize their customers. Which I agree businesses, such as a fast-food chain should do, in this case, thinking ethically for both internal and external relations.

OSI’s first statement included an apology and talks of taking full responsibilities, but the question that I have in mind would probably be whether they would’ve caught on to what was happening in China without the TV reports and what actions they would’ve taken. If they put their food quality and customer’s needs first, then generally speaking this issue shouldn’t have existed in the first place, for example, conducting annual (maybe more) inspections. Most businesses and companies aim to make a profit and thus may lose track of the responsibilities that comes with running one but does not excuse them from neglecting their ethical duties and social responsibilities.