Happy Employee, Happy Company?

One of a business’s most important asset are their employees, such as the case with Apple who relies on (to name a few) their engineers, software developers and top quality services. “Here’s Why Working At Apple Is A Dream Job” mentions some of the benefits Apple employees receive such as health or financial reimbursement. But working in an Apple company comes with perks other than benefits they receive from the company. The article talks about how their employees are constantly surrounded by intelligent individuals, which brings out their competitive streaks, good food, transportations and a sense of pride.

The pride Apple employees have working for the company increases their drive and motivation to work harder. Another article mentions an experience a former Apple employee had with nearly missing a deadline but received the motivation from Jobs and finished in time.

As a company with branches all over the world, Apple also relies on their customer service in order to increase the positive image on their brand name and reputation. This exemplifies the importance of employees and the working force in a company as one of the main foundations to the company.


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