Unit 2 Reflection Blog

In this unit one of the assignments was researching LinkedIn and preparing a summary memo with the most useful information. This task was eye-opening as I have not used LinkedIn previously. After researching and reading the team memos getting started with the site does seem as daunting. It will be a challenge without prior experience but using the information gained should lead to success on the professional networking site. Using LinkedIn in the future no longer seems as complex and I feel as though I will be able to effectively create professional connections.

Another assignment was preparing a report proposal and outline which I also had no previous experience with. Brainstorming a topic was not the most challenging as there are many avenues that I am passionate about. The most difficult part thus far has been the formal outline. It is hard to visualize how to put the pieces together in a formal report. After many revisions the report is beginning to take shape. I am unclear how all the research gained will be put into a report but the use of the timeline to organize the process is helpful. Following the timeline will allow for a step-by-step process to manage an assignment this size. I am interested to see how it comes together and to see my teammates reports and processes.

This unit the peer review process was more in depth than the previous unit. Peer reviewing others can be challenging because it can become negative and seem insensitive. During the peer review process, it is important to remember to provide honest feedback that is not strictly criticisms but also positive. Peer reviewing my partners work was a good experience. Using checklists and the text to help identify areas with great strengths and areas for improvement. My own writing is developing to become more professional and technical. In my writing that at times I say too little. Without the right amount of information, the reader is left trying to interpret the document using their own prior knowledge. Interpretation without information can lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings. This area is something that I will continually work on to make sure that readers have enough information in a concise format. The peer review process is useful and helpful to see my writing with a different lens.

301 Kristy Vyfschaft Research Proposal


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