Email Responses to Writing Team Members

Dear Lovin:

Thank-you for your interest in my application letter and the offer to join your writing team. I accept your invitation to work together.

Your skills in collaboration and time management are well suited for the skills I have, creating a cohesive group. With your professional experience like mine, we will have the opportunity to integrate the skills we acquire into our professions.

I am looking forward to working with together. Please contact me with any further questions or concerns through email at anytime.


Kristy Vyfschaft, RDH



Dear Samantha:

Your invitation to join your writing team is greatly appreciated. I am happy to accept your invitation.

Your background experience in writing for different types of needs, including in your professional life, will complement with my areas for improvement. This creates an area we can learn from each other. Your writing skills are evident in your letter and your work ethic is an excellent fit for a team together.

Please contact me through email anytime to discuss joining your team or if you have any further questions for me.


Kristy Vyfschaft, RDH


Dear Brianna:

Thank-you for responding to my application letter. Joining a writing team with you is a good fit for this course and I accept your offer.

Your experience in marketing and PR differs greatly from my experience and we can learn a great deal from one another. Your experience in educational and professional worlds in writing will be a great addition to the writing team

I have accepted two other offers with fellow classmates. If you have availability on your team at this time for additional members, then we can finalize a writing team. Please let me know if this still works well for you.


Kristy Vyfschaft, RDH

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