Reflections: LinkedIn & Report Proposal and Outline

In unit two the first assignment was researching LinkedIn and preparing a summary memo. The second assignment was writing a formal report proposal and outline. The reflections on the LinkedIn memo and the report proposal and outline are below.


One of the assignments in Unit 2 was researching LinkedIn and preparing a memo  with useful information. This assignment was eye-opening for me as I have not previously used LinkedIn. Starting a page on LinkedIn is no longer as daunting after completing the assignment. Effectively using LinkedIn will be challenging without experience but using the information in the memo will lead to success on the professional networking site.

Report Proposal and Outline

Another assignment was preparing a report proposal  and outline. Brainstorming the topic was not difficult as I am passionate about a variety of professional topics. Visualizing how to organize the topic for a formal report was challenging but after revising the document it began to take shape. It is unclear how the collected research will be put into the report but using a timeline is helpful. Following a timeline allows for a step-by-step process to manage this sizeable assignment.

Peer Review

The peer review process in this unit was more in depth than the previous unit. Reviewing others is challenging because the tone can become negative. Providing honest feedback that is critical yet positive will yield an improved experience. Using checklists to identify areas of strengths or areas for improvement was very helpful during the process. My writing is developing professionally and technically. Sometimes my writing contains too little information leaving the reader to interpret the document causing miscommunications. Ensuring readers have enough information while being concise is an area I will continue to focus on.

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